“LET’S RUN THERE!” combines extreme runs with spectacular landscapes – from Namibia to Finland and Canada. Brooks’ Finland trip alone reached over 6 million people worldwide online.

Brooks and Weltmeyster have been working together since 2018. The first joint trip was to Namibia, where the Brooks team took part in a cross-border extreme run to South Africa and back to Namibia – and ultimately won the competition. In a comprehensive campaign, Brooks effectively showcased not only the run, but also the country and an exclusive travel offer to Namibia both digitally and at the POS.

In future, the focus will remain on 2-4 destination campaigns per year – all under the claim LET’S RUN THERE! Destinations such as Thuringia, Malta, Canada and Kenya are already being planned. With the ongoing integration of tour operators, further major successes are inevitable.

Gruppe von Läufern joggt gemeinsam auf einem malerischen Waldweg im Freien.

After a brief COVID-related break, the collaboration picked up speed again: Two successful product launches on Usedom and in Essen were followed by LET’S RUN THERE! in Levi, Finland, one of the most successful Brooks productions to date. The campaign reached over 6 million consumers in Europe and worldwide. Media partners such as T-Online, creators such as LionTV and running tour operator interair supported the campaign and ensured maximum reach – especially for the promotion of the Ruskamarathon.

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