The Beam Machine is a multi-media cubic artwork out of video screens (4 to endless no. of screens) that allows visualisations of tourism destinations in larger shopping centres, in museums or in public areas, the cubic artwork will be fed with video (2D, 3D) material, images, information - consumers can steer the machine from all four sides by iPad, the Beam machine allows connections to all social media channels and generates consumer interactions with the destination on spot, consumers can inform themselves and directly make bookings, an activating smart phone app can be added to the campaign and receive all Beam Machine data and files, promotional campaigns with non-tourism partners are substantial part of the project

Timing: anytime

Visualisation project of Weltmeyster with top 100 photographer Jochen Manz that highlights a destination in POI images on which one PRESENTER runs at the hand of the photographer to the POI in focus, all images (100) will be available for POI documentation and information; the emotional factor behind such images will be that the viewer experiences the destination from three perspectives: a. POI beauty and interest in, b. Presenter beauty and interest in, c. willingness to get sight on the presenter allows longer views on the images overall:


Timing: anytime

Online campaign with the 15 happiest countries of the world: Costa Rica, Denmark, Iceland, Switzerland, Finland, Mexico, Norway, Canada, Panama, Sweden, Australia, Colombia, Luxemburg, Ireland, Netherlands, creation of microsite that highlights all destinations by a minimum of 14 videos of people from the country and nature impressions ending all with a tour operator package offer, several other campaign highlights (roadshow, media fams, package raffles, non-tourism promotions)


Timing: 2015

Publication: Online

Segment: all Germans

Decision: 2014

Happy Finland from Weltmeyster on Vimeo.

Happy Australia from Weltmeyster on Vimeo.

Happy Canada from Weltmeyster on Vimeo.

Happy Denmark from Weltmeyster on Vimeo.

Visualisation project of Weltmeyster that highlights a tourism destination in 90 seconds thru endless stills of POIs in which a person plays a key role - she or he is walking and exploring a variety of product sets and is the symbol of happiness while experience the destination; one or more 90 seconds videos of the destination, the POIs and a variety of destination subjects or segmented products will be filmed, edited and finalized for image and content promotions following this concept: 


Weltmeyster and Mediakraft developed a video-blogging-channel with two concepts: TRAVEL PONK, two teams travel to one or two destinations and perform 20 experiences, INTERACTIVE TRAVEL GUIDE, one blogger travels to a destination and explore it in defined subjects and options, both concepts focus on older segments on YouTube (age 21 to 54 with focus on 34 - 54). Further information to follow.


Timing: 2014

Publication: Online

Segment: All Germans

Decision: April 2014


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